Covid 19 Lockdown Accelerate Online Gaming

Online Gaming

The whole world is entering into lockdown, so many economic crises are arising, people and the government are into a major strategy, out of all these, one industry is gaining profit in these odds, Yes it is the online gaming!  The CEO of the Indian Gaming Federation Mr. Roland Landers says in the first half of the calendar year there has been a significant increase in the users. Few online games have become more popular in the quarantine days, doctors say it is the best and only way to keep them socialized with friends and family.  Many gaming companies’ interests have gradually increased in India.

Gaming Industry

The most popular games that circulate are PUBG, Free fire, Ludo tournaments, Online Rummy, poker, and  Online sports betting. They witnessed 40% of users increase during March and April. Gaming companies are adding new technologies like XR ( Extended Reality ) and AIOT ( Artificial Intelligence of things ) to create a seamless experience for all gamers. Not only for entertainment purposes, but gamers can also earn money. It even sounds like gaming can be called a  profession. By all these added benefits one can thoroughly enjoy this lockdown without any mental stress.

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Women’s are Slaying in the Game Floor

According to the report of 2019, women are also equally inclined and about 45% of gamers are said to girls. In fact,  the game Battle Royale,  player of the month is a woman who won among men players, there are many impressive players in online gaming, in ludo, several winning rewards have been captured by women players. The official records state, 80,000 new female players have entered the platform.

Game’s Massive revolution in Lockdown

In this pandemic, when many are suffering, this entertainment platform keeps people away from stress and anxiety. Though it is addictive, there is no other choice in the Covid-19 period. This gaming industry is also trying hard to come up with new innovations to keep its players entertained.